Cheryl has now joined our team and will be running the riding school from Saturday! We hope you are all as excited about this as we are....

Richard Waygood - 26 May 2016
We are lucky enough to have Richard Waygood returning to Lake Farm for lessons on Thursday 26 May 2016. Richard is a BE accredited...

IOW RIDING FOR THE DISABLED ASSOCIATION FUN FAMILY QUIZ NIGHT!! (Charity number 1073751) Friday 24th June 6pm @ The Chequers Inn A...

Anyone fancy a day trip away??
Message from Laura Murthwaite... I am running two day trips this year for great prices and help me earn some commision for the IOW RDA...

We are all very excited, the first pony has been testing out some of the jumps on our brand new cross country course under the watchful...

Winter Jumping Series
So the winter jumping series concludes this Sunday, 27 March, and it is all to play for in some of the classes! Here are the top four or...

Hampshire strangles update
We are currently planning on running all our future events as we have not been told of any outbreaks on the island. If any competitors...
Information evening
Georgina Leavold is arranging for Ian Thirkell inventor and owner of ArcEquine to come to the Isle of Wight to do an information evening...

Change of Date
Just a quick note that the date of Sarah and Hayley's next jumping clinic has changed to Friday 1 April 2016. Please contact Hayley...

Isle of Wight Hunt Grand Auction
The Isle of Wight Hunt are holding a grand auction at Ventnor Botanic Garden this Saturday (12 March 2016). There are some fantastic...